Showing posts with label High-Tech facts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label High-Tech facts. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Top 10 Video Games That Were BANNED

Top 10 Video Games That Were BANNED
Top 10 Video Games That Were BANNED

Growing up, I saw the birth of the modern video game, and had every Nintendo system that there was
from NES to N64 and up. And since then, the video game market has become a 93 billion dollar market, so to say it's competitive would be an understatement.

And because of that, game makers are always looking for new and exciting and controversial ways to sell games. And the topics of some games have gone a little too far, so far in fact, that they were actually banned from store shelves.

In this article that's exactly what we're going to talk about, those games that are going to make you say, that actually existed? So let's jump right into it, These are 10 video games that were banned.

Number one : RapeLay

RapeLay was released on April 21st, 2006, for PC, and was created by Japanese game developers, 
Illusion Soft. 

The main goal of the game is to stalk and engage in forced sexual encounters with a mother and her two daughters, with a variety of options and locations at the player's disposal.

Oh this one's just full of all kinds of cringe.

Shockingly, the game has been banned in many countries, including Argentina, Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, and Australia, just to name some, and basically just because it's a gross and distasteful game play premise.

Illusion Soft has obviously since then removed all trace of the game from their website, and has completely ended distribution, while Japan has since banned, obviously, all rape games.

You know, the Japanese culture is into some really bizarre, weird stuff, so if this game is too much for them, you know it's bad.

Number two Wolfenstein 3D

Originally released May fifth of 1992 for PC, Wolfenstein 3D was actually banned in Germany for its inclusion of the Nazi army as the game's main enemies. That, alongside the Nazi Party's anthem as the game's musical theme, and a cyborg version of Adolf Hitler as the final boss.

A Super Nintendo Version of this game was released in 1994, but was drastically edited to remove any themes, visuals, or references of the Nazi party, including removing Hitler's little mustache, and renaming the boss character to Staatmeister.

I see the insensitivity in all of this, because, you know, Germany and the Nazi, I get it, but you're fighting Hitler. It's not like you're fighting Gandhi, Hitler was a bad guy, let's take out the digital version of him, why not?

Number three Manhunt 2

Manhunt 2 was released on October 29th, 2007, for the PS2, PSP, and Wii, and was banned in several countries, including South Korea, New Zealand, Malaysia, and Germany, for its over the top gory murders.

The game allows players to kill enemies using a variety of gruesome weapons or objects leading to a very, very graphic, gory, and horrific death. Like, really over the top.

Many countries didn't like the idea of teaching young kids how to kill someone with a plastic bag, or razor wire, or a sledgehammer, or a shotgun, or hedge trimmers. Just to name a few. So, they banned it.

Number four : The Pokemon Trading Card Game

Wait, Pokemon? Yeah, I know.
Released for the Game Boy Color on April 10th, 2000, the Pokemon Trading Card Game was immediately banned in Saudi Arabia by top religious authorities.

They stated that the game resembles a game of gambling. They went on to say that certain cards carried religious symbolism such as the Star of David, which he thought connected to international Zionism, and Israel's national emblem. That, along with cards that depicted the cross for Christians, and triangles for the Free Masons, just was a no-no there.

Yo, Saudi Arabia, you need to chill man. Take a little chill pill, it is a trading card game, it's not gonna burn your house down, it's not gonna bring the apocalypse, it's gonna bring Charizard and Squirtle.

Number five : Homefront

Released on March 15th, 2011, for the Xbox 360, PS3 and PC, Homefront depicts the United States under forced occupation from Kim Jong Il and a highly advanced version of the North Korean military forces.

The game, for fairly obvious reasons, immediately was banned from South Korea, mostly because of the strained relationship between North and South Korea. 

In North America, however, we are more tolerant of these things because it's just a game, But to this day, games involving actions against the North are immediately banned in the South, since North Korea tends to, kind of over react to issues, just a little bit.

Well we all saw what happened after the movie The Interview, so, I wouldn't be surprised if a video game made him just lose his mind.

Number six : Fallout 3

Released on October 28th, 2008, for the PC, PS3, and Xbox 360, Fallout 3 is set in a post nuclear war
apocalypse version of Washington DC. 

The game includes a significant side mission in which a player must decide to either disarm or detonate a live atomic bomb which sits in the middle of a small community of settlers. 

There's a mini nuke launcher weapon named The Fat Man in the game, which was the name of the nuke that blew up Nagasaki in World War II. For this reason, this caused the original game to be banned in Japan, and only an edited version was allowed to be sold there.

The game was also banned in India due to the inclusion of mutated two-headed cows, called Brahmin,
similar to the cow breed in India called Brahman, which are held in deep respect by Hindus.

Number seven : Football Manager 2005

Football Manager 2005, despite its terrible name, was released on November 4th, 2004, for the PC, and is a game all about managing a soccer team in a mostly text and number-based interface without any real ability to play as the team. Pretty simple game, except that it was banned in China, because it included Tibet and Taiwan as independent countries and not a part of China.

However, in a twist, the ban caused the game to be heavily pirated in China, and become popular in the underground market. A Chinese version of the game was ultimately released with country edits.

Number eight : Mass Effect

Mass Effect was released on November 20th, 2007, for the Xbox 360, and was promptly banned in Singapore due to the ability to engage in sexual activities with the same gender and with an alien.

Whoa, what you got against alien sex, man? Don't knock it till you try it.
The player's character can choose to play as either gender, and during the story, encounters an alien female named Liara, as the story progresses the player can then romance Liara. Ultimately, Singapore decided to lift the ban by labeling the box with an 18 or older rating. But the game and its sequels are still currently banned in the United Arab Emirates.

If all of that surprises you, keep in mind Singapore is the same country that has a $1000 fine if you walk around your own home naked. So yeah, they're a little conservative.

Number nine : Mortal Kombat

The modern reboot of the classic 1992 fighting game, Mortal Kombat, was released on April 19th, 2011 for the Xbox 360 and PS3. As the ninth game in the series, the game stays true to its gory roots,
but adds to the brutal violence with greatly improved graphics and new features.

New features, like what Matt? Oh, you know, new features, like extra gruesome fatal finishing moves which sees fighters being dismembered, dissolved, bashed, impaled, and even sawed in half from the groin up.

The excessive violence got the game banned in Australia, Germany, and South Korea.

All of these finishing moves are on YouTube, look it up at your own discretion.

And number 10 : Postal 2

Released on April 13th, 2003, Postal 2 gives the player a variety of lethal weapons in a small American trailer park town filled with innocent civilians, and includes extremely gory effects, as well as the ability to pee on the deceased and living characters.

In 2004, the game was banned in New Zealand, and anyone caught purchasing or in possession of the game faced charges of up to 10 years in prison or $50,000 in fines.

The developers, Running With Scissors, which is just such an appropriate name, tried to get around the extreme controversy by stating that the story could be completed without violence but failed to mention that it is quite difficult to do so.

Thank you guys so much for reading, if you enjoy this, I would appreciate nothing more in this world than if you were to click the share buttons bellow, and of course, if you want to learn anything else,
ask for my sources in the comments.

Be sure to watch our new video : "Random Acts Of Vandalism That Are Actually Genius", and subscribe to our YouTube channel so that you can catch our next video.

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Make sure that you click like and follow and the right sidebar, and I will see you all back here in the next article with a brand new video of facts.

Friday, August 12, 2016

10 Most MYSTERIOUS BOOKS In History!

10 Most MYSTERIOUS BOOKS In History!
10 Most MYSTERIOUS BOOKS In History!

So throughout the course of history over 130 million books have been published, so obviously humans have a thirst for knowledge. And when you think of books, what do you think of? Harry Potter, The Alchemist, the Bible, maybe? Well, what about books that replicate themselves or predict the future?
Well today I'm going to show you  a list of books that actually existed that defy all logic by existing at all. 

So let's jump right into it. These are the 10 most mysterious books in history. 

Number one is the Book of Soyga

Also known as Aldaraia, the Book of Soyga is a legendary book that exists right now in the UK that is said to have been presented to Adam himself by the angels of God in the Garden of Eden. 

The 197 pages of the book consists of everything from spells, rituals, and information on other magics, demonology, and astrology.  

The first known owner of this book was John Dee, a well-known Elizabethan mathematician, astrologer, and consultant to the court of the queen. He possessed over 3,000 books, which was the largest library in England at the time. 

After his death, however, the book seemed to vanish from existence only to suddenly resurface in not one but two different places in 1994. One was the British Library in London and the other was the Bodleian Library in Oxford.

Okay, so obviously the existence of this book defies logic but what also defies logic is why this guy had over 3,000 books. I mean, I'm all about hobbies and whatnot but go see some sunlight, man.

Number two is the Rohonc Codex

All 448 pages of this book are written in a language that to this day is still indecipherable. The Rohonc Codex's words are written from right to left on each page and are accompanied by 87 illustrations of military battles, landscapes, and other images that may have religious influence.

Scholars have noted that the number of symbols used in the book are 10 ten times those in any known alphabet. The codex was discovered in 1700 in Hungary and since then many have tried to decipher it with wildly different translations. The fact is this mysterious book may never be truly understood, kind of like Michael Jackson.

Number three is the Great Omar Book

The full title of this book is : The Sangorski Edition of the Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam. 

Well that's quite the mouthful.

Francis Sangorski was a bookbinder from London who started a firm in 1901 and created the first of what many claim to be the most cursed book of all time. The book that Sangorski made found its way to the bottom of the Atlantic when it sank with, of all things, the Titanic. Then there was a second copy madeusing Sangorski's original drawings which was destroyed soon after completion in the early days of World War II when London was bombed during the Blitz. It then took 40 years to finish the third copy, which was donated to the British Library after its maker, Stanley Bray, died.

You know, maybe I'm just pragmatic, but I would just not touch the book. I don't care what secrets lie within, it's goin' kill me, man. Be pragmatic, don't touch those pages.

Number four are The Prophecies of Nostradamus

Possibly the most famous book on this list, The Prophecies of Nostradamus is one that is widely claimed to have predicted several major events in human history. These include the rise of Napoleon and Adolf Hitler, the Great Fire of London, the dropping of the first nuclear bomb, and even the September 11th attacks on the World Trade Center in New York City.

People seem to consistently be linking every disaster, both those that occur naturally and those that are man-made, to the words that Michel de Nostradame wrote 400 years ago. Now this is highly contested with many believing that these predictions are 100% accurate and some that just call them out as false.

Personally I would love to be able to predict the future but not just the things that are bad. I feel like that would make you a bit of a party pooper.

Number five is the Ripley Scroll book

Named after the 15th century Augustinian monk and alchemist George Ripley, the Ripley Scroll reads almost like a journal and it's essentially a real life wizard's spell book. 

It chronicles the man's travels across Europe as he combed the land in search of immortality and the secrets behind transmutation. Legend has it that he was able to change lead into gold with a spell contained within the pages by creating the philosopher's stone. This, of course, in turn was used to make the elixir of life, which many claim had made the monk immortal. 

Now history claims that the man died in 1490 but he may still be out there somewhere, waiting, drinkin' on that sweet elixir.

Number six is the Popol Vuh

According to a tale told by Francisco Ximenez, a Dominican priest, the Popol Vuh was a manuscript given to him when in 1701 he visited a small town in Guatemala. The Popol Vuh, which translates to the Book of the People, contains an elaborate creation story involving four deities, a brief history of the planet, and cosmology teachings. 

Though he cites his source as a parishioner in the town, no similar manuscript has ever been found. There are some scholars who argue that he should never have been given access to the pages since it was considered a closely guarded secret. 

The Popol Vuh is definitely a book shrouded in mystery.

Number seven are the Beale Ciphers

The Beale ciphers are basically like the beginning of a real-life national treasure. The pages are actually a trio of ciphers which lead to a massive hidden treasure of gold, silver, and jewels worth nearly, brace yourself, $63 million. 

As legend has it, in 1820 the pages were given in a box by Thomas Beale to an innkeeper in Virginia named Robert Morris. The box was given with the instruction that he should only open the box if Beale did not return within 10 years. And of course Beale disappeared so naturally Morris opened the box
and began trying to break the code written on the papers inside. In all of history, only one of the pages
has ever been deciphered and it took, believe it or not, the Declaration of Independence as a key to unlock it. 

And you guys thought I was joking about the national treasure thing.

Neither of the codes have ever been broken to this day and many claim that the treasure is still out there
waiting to be found.

Number eight are the Dead Sea Scrolls

Discovered in 11 caves across the shore of the Dead Sea, starting with one that two goat herders found,
the Dead Sea Scrolls are considered the greatest manuscript discovery of modern times. They were found between 1947 and 1956 and contain, amongst other things, the oldest collection of Old Testament manuscripts ever discovered. These included prophecies by Ezekiel, Daniel, and Jeremiah that had never been found in the Bible before. 

The scrolls themselves are unbelievably over 2,000 years old and at least one of them is an ancient treasure map to 64 different buried treasures. 

Number nine is the Liber Linteus

The Liber Linteus only contains 1,200 words written on 230 lines but what makes it truly unique is what those words are written on and also what it was used for later. 

The ancient text refers to the Etruscans, people who populated italy before the rise of the Roman Empire. It's scribed on linen, making it the only known example of a book made that way.

Interestingly after the Etruscans fell their Roman conquerors would have destroyed the text if for not how it was preserved and hidden. The Liber Linteus was written on wrappings covering an Egyptian tailor's mummified wife, which is how it was discovered in the 1800s when the mummy was donated to a museum. 

Number 10 is the Voynich manuscript

This final one is vastly considered the most mysterious book on the planet. 

The Voynich manuscript is so old and confusing that many an argument has been had to how exactly it needs to be studied. Written by an anonymous author, the manuscript is almost impossible to translate
but some people claim that it's actually a puzzle.

The book, which in the 1800s was part of a Jesuit library, is named after Wilfred Voynich, a Polish book dealer who came into its possession in 1909. 

It's an illustrated, handwritten codex penned in a language that was previously unknown. 

To this day it's still not known exactly what the manuscript is or even what's said on its pages.

Thank you guys so much for reading. If you enjoyed this, and maybe it made you chuckle a little bit, I'd very much appreciate it if you clicked these Share buttons bellow. As usual, if you wanna learn any more about anything I talked about, ask for any of my sources in the comments.

Be sure to watch our new video : 10 Deadliest Nuclear Missiles (ICBM) in the World, and subscribe to our YouTube channel so that you can catch our next video.

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Make sure that you click like and follow and the right sidebar, and I will see you all back here in the next article with a brand new video of facts.

Monday, July 18, 2016

FASCINATING Facts You Never Knew About GOOGLE!

FASCINATING Facts You Never Knew About GOOGLE!
FASCINATING Facts You Never Knew About GOOGLE!

For those of you that are young, there was actually once a time when you had to physically go into a
big dusty building called a Library and actually open books to get information which was already outdated.

But today, we have the worlds information at our fingertips and almost all of us use Google every single day. Well, some of us use Bing. But have you ever wondered how Google came to be?

Well, in this Facts In Five, I'm going to explain everything that you need to to know about Google. The story of Google and how it works is an incredible one that I wanna share with you, right now.

So, without further a due this is weird facts, all about Google.

What is Google?

Google Incorporated is a multinational technology company, which specializes in internet related services and products. Which, is just a fancy way of saying Google does a lot of internety stuff.
The subsidiary of the parent company Alphabet, as of December 2013, it was officially named the most visited website on the planet.

Most of Google's money is made through advertisements displayed by search results, a system the company calls, Adwords. Other website owners and us Youtubers can take advantage of Adwords by allowing Google to place ads on the pages and content, likely, before this video there was a pre-roll ad
or there is an ad on the side of your screen right now, or one that just popped up, that's all from Adwords.

Who created Google?

In 1995, Larry Page, a graduate from the University of Michigan was considering Stanford as a follow up school. There, Stanford student, Sergey Brin, was a scientist showing him around and the two fast became friends. 

Destine to create the most famous website on earth. Originally the search engine was called Backrub and it operated strictly on Stanford servers for the first year of it's life but of course the bandwidth soon became way too much. And on September 15th of 1997, Google dot com was registered. 

The site was named after Google, a term in mathematics that represents one followed by 100 zeroes and signifies Larry's and Sergey's goal of organizing a seemingly endless amount of online information,
which sounds impossible except they're pretty much doing it.

Where is Google?

Though it's main head quarters is a colossal facility in Mountain View California, Google lives in over a million servers housed in data centers around the globe. In 2009 the search engine recorded over one billion searches conducted everyday. Greatly surpassing every other search engine in existence. Additionally, Google has been inquiring more than one company per week since 2010 and increasing both it's size and the amazing things the corporation can both achieve and offer their dedicated users. 

Today, Google is not only a household name, it is literally a synonym for search. So, in a way, to answer the question, where's Google, it's not an exaggeration to say "everywhere!"

When is Google useful?

You may not know this but Google is useful for a number of things, way beyond, what the company advertises.

For instance, Google search can be used for your alarm clock! Yeah, that's right! You can activate it by typing in the number of minutes before you'd like an alarm followed by the word timer, try it. With Google Earth, you can fly a virtual plane through the scenery by hitting ctrl alt and A. And, with the zoom feature you can adjust the map to see live cloud coverage. 

Also, believe it or not, you can actually use Google to plan your wedding!

In all of that is literally just the tip of the iceberg. 

Why is Google so great?

In addition to being the most famous and arguably the most successful website in history, Google also,
just might be the greatest company too. So many wonderful stories come from Google's employees who simply love their jobs. There are many stories from them that brag about how well they're treated.

In fact, should an employee meet their untimely end while working for Google, 50 percent of their annual salary will go to their spouse or domestic partner for the following 10 years.

And Google also promotes a healthy lifestyle offering their employees multiple gourmet eating options right on site. With the incredible opportunities that they provide and the fact that they clearly care about their employees, Google has one hell of a head start on any of their competition for the best place to work.

Of course, Apple's up there too but I don't want to start a flame war in the comments. "Apple's better!"
"Google's better!" It's just-- It's gonna happen anyway, isn't it.

And that's all for this article guys, thank you so much for reading.

As always, if you want to learn anything more about what I talked about in this artcile, let's discuss
my sources in the comments. 

Be sure to watch our new video : facts about Barack Obama, and subscribe to our YouTube channel so that you can catch our next video.

I just wanted to remind you again guys that if you haven't yet liked our Facebook fan page or followed our Twitter account, now would be a good time to do it. Our fan page is one of the best ways to keep up-to-date with what we're doing on our website, including our articles and videos we're posting and publishing every week.

Make sure that you click like and follow and the right sidebar, and I will see you all back here in the next article with a brand new video of facts.

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

7 MYTHS You Still Believe About Airplanes

7 MYTHS You Still Believe About Airplanes
7 MYTHS You Still Believe About Airplanes

Flying is incredibly common, in fact, there are anywhere, from 35 to 40 million flights scheduled every year. But for something people do so commonly, why are there still so many myths about it?

Well, in this article I'm going to take seven of the most commonly-believed myths, that you likely still believe about airplanes, and explain the truth behind them. Speaking as someone who flies at least a couple times a month, I can tell you that there's a number of misconceptions about planes that simply have to change. So I'm taking it upon myself to reveal those truths to you today. This is 7 Myths You Still Believe About Airplanes.

Surviving a plane crash rarely happens

Despite all of the safety protocols and double-checks planes and pilots go through before they takeoff,
and the numbers that say it's insanely rare, planes do crash on occasion. And when they do, they obviously bring people with them. 

Now, despite all the survivors on Lost, people truly believe if the plane's going down, that's it for them, pretty much guaranteed. Well I am happy to burst this bubble for you, because odds are, it actually isn't.

According to the National Transportation Safety Board, over 95% of people involved in airline accidents, between the years of 1983 and 2000, survived. That's good news for frequent flyers, and even better news for black smoke monsters and time-travelling islands.

Toilets on planes are dangerous.

Don't flush while sitting down, have you ever heard that one on a plane before? Well if you haven't, trust me, it's quite a common saying, as it's believed that a person who does will get stuck, the pressure and suction somehow pulling on your bottom end.

Well the truth is, if you can manage to form a perfect seal on the vacuum toilet, then you will feel that pressure, however, as many a toilet-sitter will tell you, it's almost no trouble at all standing up while the suction is occurring.

There's even some people who have claimed that human waste that's flushed down those toilets is dumped freely mid-flight, which I promise you is another preposterous myth.

Rain and poop everywhere. 

According to the FAA it's impossible for a pilot to dump a waste tank in the air.

The recirculated air in planes is full of germs and disease

Isn't that just the worst, someone sitting beside you and they're like (gasp).

With all of those people packed into one plane, the air circulation system must be spreading germs and disease all over the cabin, right? Well, at least that's what people who seem to get sick on flights have claimed during complaints. However, the truth is that the system does a pretty good job at circulating the air. 

The way that it works is it takes air into the lower fuselage, where half of it is expelled from the plane,
and the rest is put through filters and mixed with fresh air collected through the engines. 

So the air coming through the system is more than likely clean. But while that air might be filtered,
germs can still be left on trays, armrests, seat belts and of course accessories in the seat pockets,
not to mention of course the old-fashioned way of person to person.

That is the most likely way that you'll get sick on a plane.

Oxygen masks do nothing except calm passengers

We've all heard that a ton of times, but according to many people, the air coming through those masks,
actually does nothing but make flyers think that they're going to be OK. 

This claim may or may not have started with him, but it was definitely made popular by Tyler Durden,
Brad Pitt's character in the movie Fight Club. But according to the FAA and various pilots and plane designers, it's a complete myth.

The air coming through those masks is actually oxygen-rich, and is there so that we can breathe at altitudes above 10,000 feet. 

The higher the altitude, the less oxygen in the air, so yes, those masks actually do serve a purpose.

Co-pilots are just apprentices

This next myth is a real annoyance to co-pilots, as a large number of people believe that they're just apprentices. As in they're simply learning how to be a real pilot from the plane's captain. The fact is, there are always at least two pilots in the cockpit of any commercial flight, and both are fully capable of operating the aircraft.

The co-pilot, or first officer, is actually just as involved in flying the plane as the captain is, and in fact often is more so. This is because the captain tends to be the primary person to operate the radio, run checklists and communicate with the cabin crew and travellers.

So to any flyers out there thinking that the co-pilots aren't qualified to fly the plane, chances are, they are flying the plane. 

Opening an emergency door in flight is a big concern

Strangely, and sadly, it's not uncommon to hear about people freaking out mid-flight and trying to wrench doors open of the plane. It's so common in fact, that people see it as a huge concern, often flying in fear that that's how they're going to be taken out. But it turns out, opening the emergency door while in flight isn't as easy as you would think, not even close.

With the cabin pressurized the way that it is, it would take a large hydraulic jack, or the strength of Superman, to literally open one of those doors. And that should be no surprise considering that it's not only the pressure itself, but a series of electronic locks that activate before takeoff. 

A tiny hole in the plane can lead to everyone being sucked out 

Speaking of being sucked out of a plane, many of us have heard a story of a tiny hole in a plane's window suddenly sucking someone, or everyone on board, out of the aircraft. But, is there any truth to that?

Well, planes are pressurized, as we discussed, but it would take an explosion, or a serious structural damage to the fuselage, to result in people being ripped from the craft. 

In 2006 an Alaska Airlines MD-80 plane sustained damage in the form of a foot-long hole in its fuselage. But, instead of everyone being jettisoned from the plane, the aircraft stayed in one piece,
and made an emergency descent.

A sudden change in cabin pressure is never good, but, chances are you'd be just fine. So hopefully now, next time you fly, you'll be a little calmer.

As always, if you want to learn anything more about what I talked about, you can ask for any of my sources in the comment section bellow.

And if you enjoyed this, be sure to click the share button and let your friends know about these MYTHS.

And that's it for this article, guys. I hope you enjoyed it, and if you did, be sure to watch our new video about facts about a very beautiful and "must-visit"country : Facts about Denmark, and subscribe to our YouTube channel so that you can catch our next video.

I just wanted to remind you again guys that if you haven't yet liked our Facebook fan page or followed our Twitter account, now would be a good time to do it. Our fan page is one of the best ways to keep up-to-date with what we're doing on our website, including our articles and videos we're posting and publishing every week.

Make sure that you click like and follow and the right sidebar, and I will see you all back here in the next article with a brand new video of facts.

Friday, July 8, 2016

AMAZING Facts You Never Knew About TWITTER!

Twitter facts - Facts about twitter
Twitter facts - Facts about twitter

Twitter, it's many people's favorite social media site. But how much do you really know about it?

Well, in this article, I'm going to explain everything that you need to know about Twitter So let's tweet right into it!

So this is it: all about Twitter.

What is Twitter?

According to the Oxford English Dictionary, and, yes, it has its own definition, the word twitter means a short, inconsequential burst of information. Which makes a lot of sense as to why its creators called the platform that. And, let's face it, with over 6,000 tweets being sent every second, there's no way that the majority of that information isn't inconsequential.

Twitter was started in 2006, but, believe it or not, the communication giant didn't make a profit until 2013. In its beginning, it was actually an SMS phone service. Back then, SMS messages were generally limited to about 140 characters, a maximum number that the site still maintains per tweet to this day.

Twitter's brand is easily recognized by identifying Larry Bird, the blue logo that the company is known for. In fact, the mascot is named after the Boston Celtics legend himself.

Who uses Twitter?

There are over 288 million active tweeters every month, with more than two billion Twitter accounts claimed. 

Everyone from actors, to companies, to the President of the United States himself can benefit from having an account. Though, truth be told, it's singers that reach the most people.

Singer profiles hold seven of the 10 top Twitter accounts by number of followers, with Katy Perry sitting at the top, with a whopping 71.5 million followers. 

YouTube holds the records for the most followers for a brand with 49 million. And many people have made Twitter accounts for themselves or brands and have never utilized them. According to DNR digital statistics, 44% of all Twitter accounts have never even sent a tweet. So if you're one of those people, get to it, it's fun!

Where was Twitter created ?

Back in March of 2006, four men, Jack Dorsey, Evan Williams, Biz Stone, and Noah Glass came up with the social media site that we all now know and love. And, of all the strange places to start a business,
they were sitting at the top of a slide in a playground in San Francisco. This is where Dorsey threw out a simple idea: You don't ever think about it, you just write. The foursome were all board members
at a company called Odeo, which, soon after, pivoted from an audio publisher to the short, essage-sending service which opened to the public on July 15, 2006.

Twitter currently resides in San Francisco, California, but has 25 offices worldwide.

When have Twitter users changed the world?

Hashtags, retweets, replies, social ads, and a mobile app. You'd think all of these features were developed
by geniuses inside the official Twitter offices, but they were actually created by users of the service 
and developers outside of the site's headquarters.

Twitter embraced these ideas, making each an integral part of its platform. In fact, originally, the company called its messages status updates, while only changing the name to tweets after the insistence of users. Then, on January 15th, 2009, Twitter transformed how news broke when a single witness posted a photo of US Airways flight 1549 in the icy waters of the Hudson River. 

Today, hundreds of news agencies from around the world use the platform to get information out.

A lot of us get our news from there now. It's kind of strange to think of a time when it didn't exist.

Why to so many love Twitter?

Considered the SMS of the internet, Twitter ironically sees 80% of its 288 million monthly users tweeting on a mobile device. 

Twitter brings the world together in so many ways, whether it's sharing breaking news, updating people on events, or reaching out to an old friend or simply spreading some joy. And that is exactly what comedian Ellen DeGeneres did on March of 2014, when her Oscars selfie with the various huge stars that were in attendance was retweeted over 3.4 million times.

It is by far the most retweeted tweet ever, even surpassing President Barack Obama's election night tweet which had over 800,000. 

We love Twitter because it connects us, motivates us, and makes us laugh, exactly what you'd hope from a social media site. That being said, if you wanna laugh and learn, follow me on Twitter!

My handle is @anerdcat, and you should definitely follow me 'cause that is the best place to get updates from me.

It's where I update you guys, share the thoughts that are on my mind, and, of course, share the photos that I take from all the places I visit. So, be sure to follow me, do it right now! Use your little Twitter fingers.

And that's it for this article, guys. I hope you enjoyed it, and if you did, be sure to watch our new video about facts about marriage and subscribe to our YouTube channel so that you can catch our next video.

I just wanted to remind you again guys that if you haven't yet liked our Facebook fan page or followed our Twitter account, now would be a good time to do it. Our fan page is one of the best ways to keep up-to-date with what we're doing on our website, including our articles and videos we're posting and publishing every week.

Make sure that you click like and follow and the right sidebar, and I will see you all back here in the next article with a brand new video of facts.

Monday, May 23, 2016

7 MYTHS You Still Believe About TECHNOLOGY!

7 MYTHS You Still Believe About TECHNOLOGY
7 MYTHS You Still Believe About TECHNOLOGY

Seems like every time technology evolves and blows our minds, some naysayer comes along to warn about an innovation’s dangers. Technology has enhanced our daily lives dramatically and most of us wouldn't know what to do if faced with a world without it. I mean, let's be completely honest here, how many of you wake up and the first thing you do is check your cellphone?

But when it comes to tech, a lot of rumors have persisted over the years that simply aren't true.
So, today we're going to take the seven most commonly-believed myths that you likely still believe about technology and explain the truth behind them. Wherever you are right now, you're reading this article on a computer, tablet, smartphone, smart TV, or some sort of other technologically advanced magical piece of equipment from the future.

We're about to tell you some facts about Technology that will reveal that pretty much everything you know about it is a lie.

Our article today is about "7 Myths You Still Believe About Technology"

Recharging a battery before it's completely dead will ruin it

We start with the myth that says that if you don't let the battery on your cell phone, tablet, laptop, gaming console, or digital camera drain completely before recharging it, the battery will lose a lot of its ability to take on a full charge.

Now, it is true that older batteries had a memory effect in which they would only fill to what was drained from it and then remember that amount, reducing the amount the battery would fully charge. However, modern devices use lithium ion batteries that do not have this issue at all. In fact, letting your device completely drain is actually bad for the battery in many cases, so don't do it.

Using a cellphone at a gas station can cause an explosion

We see this myth printed right on the side of the gas pump every time we fill up, usually with the image a flip phone with a red prohibited sign on it.But is there any truth behind the idea that our cellphones have enough power to ignite the gas station tanks?

Well, it turns out that the National Fire Protection Association is just being cautious with these signs.
A report by the New York Daily News said that one gas station fire involved a cellular device, but it was later revealed that the phone was not the cause. Several studies since then have determined that even though cellphones can generate an electric spark, which is enough to ignite the gasoline, it would have to do so while directly exposed to the gasoline, which of course is generally impossible, unless you purposely tried to make it happen.

The internet and the world wide web are the same thing

This one will probably surprise most of you, as most of the time, it would seem like the words internet and world wide web are synonymous, two labels for the same system. But in actuality, they aren't.

The internet is an infrastructure which allows the sharing of information worldwide through networks via computers, smartphones, or other connected devices. The world wide web, or simply just "web" for short, is simply one of those networks.

Specifically, it's the one with sites that start with "www." that we're all very used to. Thus, the web needs the internet to exist, but the two are not the same thing.

More bars on a cellphone means better signal

In modern media and in real life too, we see people often holding their cellphones in the air, trying to get more bars in order to get a better signal. However, the idea that the more bars you have, the better the signal is quite untrue. Mobile phone signal bars reveal only how close you are to the nearest tower.
Things can still be affecting the signal, such as how many people are using the network, how much is between you and that signal provider, and even the weather.

Cellphones give people brain cancer

Wow, there's a lot of myths about cellphones.

This specific myth states that using a mobile phone will give you brain cancer. The myth was formed mid-1990s, and debates raged on into the early-2000s, making it one of the most talked about health scares of all-time.

After a UK-funded 11-year study, researchers concluded that, despite exhaustive research, there was no evidence of risks to health from radio waves produced by mobile phones or their base stations. Elsewhere, multiple studies done around the world found no link between cellphone use and getting cancer, no matter how long your calls are.

But who the hell makes phone calls anymore anyway? If you need me, text me.

Standing near a microwave is bad for you

Did your parent or grandparent ever tell you that standing too close to a microwave is :
"Oh, it's bad for you baby, don't does it"?

Of course you like watching the bubbles from the leftover pizza, who doesn't?

They often remind you how bad it is for your health to stand right next to a microwave. Well, try to be nice to your parents when you tell them that they're wrong.

According to reports published by the New York Times, microwave ovens do rarely leak some amount of radiation. But unless it's a full-out breach and you're literally an inch away, chances are you're not gonna feel a thing.

Long ago, the FDA actually put limitations on how much microwave radiation is allowed to leak from the appliance. So, even if it does leak, it's far below the level that's going to hurt you.

Exposing your devices to magnets will destroy your data

Modern movies and TV programs have greatly helped fuel this myth, with characters resorting to destroying data on their hard drives by touching them with a magnet before their enemies arrive. Now, we need to be very specific with this myth because it is a fact that if, for some reason, you put your laptop in an MRI machine or something with a magnet just as powerful, then yes, your data, along with your entire physical device, will be destroyed. But the reality is that the type of magnets that you find in a household or office that are just laying around will not affect your devices.

Finally, when it comes to some solid-state drives, such as a USB stick or thumb drives, not even a magnet as powerful as the previously-mentioned MRI could erase it. So, think about that next time your rebel enemies are at your door, knockin' it down, lookin' for that USB stick. You're better off just swallowing it.
And that's it for this article. As per usual, this was not an exhaustive list. There are many other myths out there about technology. we just chose the ones that we personally thought were most common and interesting.

If you'd like to add us to Facebook and Twitter, and check out our YouTube channel, the links to those will be in the right sidebar, along with all my other social networking sites. And you'd better do that, because the apocalypse is coming, so why waste time.

On our youtube channel today we're talking about the internet : this infrastructure allowing sharing information worldwide through networks via computers, smartphones, or other connected devices. In this video you will discover the most interesting facts about internet and the way it changed our lives for ever. We hope you will enjoy and share this list of most amazing and interesting facts about internet.

I just wanted to remind you again guys that if you haven't yet liked our Facebook fan page or followed our Twitter account, now would be a good time to do it. Our fan page is one of the best ways to keep up-to-date with what we're doing on our website, including our articles and videos we're posting and publishing every week.

Make sure that you click like and follow and the right sidebar, and I will see you all back here in the next article with a brand new video of facts.

Thursday, April 14, 2016

50 AMAZING Facts to Blow Your Mind! - Brand New 50 Facts

50 AMAZING Facts to Blow Your Mind
50 AMAZING Facts to Blow Your Mind

AMAZING Facts you will read in this article will certainly blow your mind like they do with me. If your more for a video than reading facts : Here is a video assembling all these 50 UNBELIEVABLE and crazy facts from the whole world. More facts are in this article :

Britain is responsible for creating the lie that carrots improve eyesight, to distract the Nazis of a new technology that they made for night raids.

Frank Hayes, an American jockey, suffered a fatal heart attack in 1923 and died mid-race. His body remained on the horse and crossed the finish line in first place. He had never won a race before in his life.

Studies from the University of Chicago concluded that lonely people spend more time in their beds regardless of whether they're tired or not.

Chronic loneliness can cause insomnia as well as the need to get in bed without feeling tired.

Rick Astley became an Internet phenomenon in 2007 with his video "Never Gonna Give You Up" when it became part of an Internet prank known as "Rickrolling". Ooh, but sadly, he forgot to claim ownership of his work, and earned only $12 in royalties off of his nearly 150 million YouTube views.

In the Vietnamese version of Cinderella, "Tam Cam", at the end, Cinderella dismembers her stepsister, puts the body into a jar of food, and sends it to her stepmother to eat, who enjoys it until she finds a skull at the bottom of the jar, and then dies out of shock.

Why? Vietnam, why?

A "gut feeling" is actually a chemical signal that your stomach creates to warn your brain of danger.

Starting in 1979, the residents of Naco, Arizona and Naco, Mexico began an annual tradition of having a volleyball match over the fence of the border that divides them.

A stroke-suffering cat owner from Ohio named Gary Rosheisen attempted to teach his cat Tommy how to dial 911. Unsure of whether the training stuck, the owner later fell over from a stroke in 2006, and the police actually received a silent phone call. When the emergency help arrived, they found the man incapacitated and Tommy by the phone.

Jets leave a white trail across the sky for the same reason that you can see your breath in the winter. It's carbon dioxide and water creating visible moisture.

If you're feeling blue, drawing a picture of your favorite comfort food can actually cheer you up.

In 2013, a study by researchers at St. Bonaventure University in New York showed that people who drew pictures of pizza and cupcakes had up to a 28% increase in their moods.

85 year-old Frane Selak is known as the world's luckiest man. He survived a train crash that killed 17,
he was blown out of a plane, which killed 19, and survived a bus accident when he was four. He's also been in two car explosions and has been hit by a bus, as well as had a close call with a truck, and then went on to win the lottery in 2003.

A study conducted by the real estate website Movoto calculated population density, unemployment rates, hours worked, and other factors, and determined that Florida is currently America's most stressed-out state.

The sixth-tallest pyramid in the world is a Bass Pro Shops mega store, located in Memphis, Tennessee.

White supremacist and racist Craig Cobb said that he would take a genetic test and receive the results on live television. He was found to be 14% Sub-Saharan African.

A man named László Polgár developed a method to raise child prodigies. He wrote a book on it, married a language teacher, and they raised the world's best and second-best chess players.

In 2014, a fan was waving a flare at a Polish soccer game when a security guard used pepper spray on him,
not knowing that the substances were combustible, causing him to burst into flames.

German canoeist Oskar Speck kayaked from Germany to Australia between 1932 and 1939, only to arrive to be declared as a prisoner of war due to the outbreak of World War II.

Scientist at the University of South Denmark have created "Aquaman crystals" that can actually absorb a roomful of oxygen and store it for later use. This discovery might actually be the key to underwater breathing.

A handful of crystals could pull oxygen from the water and provide divers with air.

Killer whales that live in captivity with dolphins can learn their complicated language and they eventually actually begin to use it.

Harvard is officially free for those with less than $65,000 in annual family income. But, of course, you still need to get the marks to get in.

If a catastrophe or hacking group caused the Internet to crash, there are seven people in the world who have key cards that can reboot the system when five of the keys are used together. They literally hold the keys to the worldwide Internet security.

In 1140, when King Conrad III of Germany captured a castle, the women of the castle were granted free departure and allowed to take what they could carry on their backs. Thinking quickly, the women often
carried the men on their backs. The king kept his word and let the men leave that way.

Actress Carrie Mulligan and singer Marcus Mumford of Mumford & Sons were childhood pen pals who lost contact. Each individually found fame and were reintroduced to each other as adults and fell in love. They are now married.

Results from an online survey revealed that 11% of Americans think that HTML is a type of STD.

In 1859, English settler Thomas Austin released 24 rabbits onto his property in Australia, stating the introduction of a few rabbits could do little harm and might provide a touch of home in addition to a spot of hunting.

By the 1920s, the rabbit population had reached 10 billion.

In the 13th century, in order to discover which language humans would speak naturally, Frederick II, emperor of Germany, placed 50 newborns in the care of nurses who would only feed and bathe the babies but not speak or hold them. The emperor never got his answer because all of the infants died.

All US astronauts are required to learn Russian as part of their extensive training. This is because they have to be able to run the International Space Station using Russian language training manuals if necessary.

A service dog named Opal not only leads her blind owner around, she's also become a guide dog to the family's previous guide dog, Edward. The previous dog had taken care of the owner for six years until he had his eyes removed after developing cataracts.

One of the richest men of all time, J. Paul Getty, an oil and gas tycoon, had a pay phone installed in his house after visitors racked up his phone bill.

The Bohemian Grove is a 137 year-old secret exclusive camp, only open to the rich and powerful men of the world. Richard Nixon was once a member, but cheerfully referred to it as "the most faggy goddamn thing you'll ever imagine." That was obviously before political correctness.

When howling together, no two wolves will howl on the same note. Instead, they actually harmonize to create to the illusion that there are more of them than there actually are.

Studies show that children will eat as much sugar as you give them, because they're biologically wired
to crave high-calorie foods during rapid growth.

Kids won't start thinking of food as "too sweet" until they're about 16, when their bones stop growing.

For months, after returning from trips to space, many astronauts report letting go of objects in midair, still fully expecting them to float.

In 2012, more than 30% of all deaths in Russia were attributed to alcohol.

Herders in Finland spray reindeer's antlers with a reflective paint, so that they won't cause as many traffic accidents.

In 2011, after four years of planning, in two months, working every night from 10 PM to 5 AM, a team of hackers at MIT actually turned their Earth and Planetary Science Department building into a giant, multicolored, playable Tetris game.

During the Vietnam War, American troops would eat small amounts of C4 plastic explosive in order to get high.

Virtually all of the eyewear industry is controlled by one Italian company: Luxottica SpA, which owns brands such as Ray-Ban, Persol, and Oakley. They also make glasses for Chanel, Prada, Armani, Burberry, Versace, Dolce Gabanna, and a lot more. Oh, and they also own retail brands like LensCrafters and Sears Optical. Talk about a monopoly.

The very first message sent between two computers over the Internet was back in 1969, and it was "lo". it was supposed to be "login", but the computer crashed after the first two letters.

Skeleton flowers have such delicate petals that they become transparent when it rains.

Having bridesmaids in a wedding wasn't originally for moral support. They were actually intended to confuse evil spirits or those who wished harm on the bride.

In 539 BC, Persian king Cyrus the Great issued the first ever decree on human rights. He freed the slaves, declared that all people had the right to choose their own religion, and established racial equality.

Crack dealing is one of the most dangerous jobs in America, and the salary on average is only about $3.30 an hour.

Hitler actually had a pet alligator named Saturn, now aged 85 that Russians were gifted by the British government. At the time of this article, Saturn is actually still alive and well, and can be seen at the Moscow Zoo.

Only one person has ever been killed by armed police in Iceland since it became an independent republic in 1944.

It is estimated that the equivalent of the world's population travel in Otis elevators and escalators
and move on their walkways every three days.

Anything that a duckling meets within the first 10 minutes after it's born will consider its parent forever.

On the St. Lawrence River between Canada and the US, there's an island called "Just Enough Room", where there's literally just enough room for a tree and a house.

Early on in Beyoncé's career, she was managed by her father, Matthew Knowles. He would make his daughter and the other members of Destiny's Child run a mile while singing so that they could perform on stage without getting exhausted.

In 1969, Bill Cosby won a Man of the Year Award and jokingly suggested renaming the award to "The Nice Guy As Far As We Know Award".

And that's it for this article, guys. If you enjoyed it and you got something out of it, Let us know in your comments below make sure that you subscribe to our channel on Youtube.

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

UNBELIEVABLE Facts That Are Actually True - Top 50 Facts

UNBELIEVABLE Facts That Are Actually True - Top 50 Facts
UNBELIEVABLE Facts That Are Actually True

UNBELIEVABLE Facts you will read in this article will certainly blow your mind like they do with me. If your more for a video than reading facts : Here is a video assembling all these 50 UNBELIEVABLE and crazy facts from the whole world. More facts are in this article :

Here are 50 amazing facts to blow your mind.

Getting struck by lightning heats skin to 50,000 degrees fahrenheit.That's hotter than the surface of the sun.

Honey is the only food that does not spoil.

The Hawaiian alphabet only has twelve letters which are A-E-I-O-U-H-K-L-M-N-P and W.

An ostrich's eye is bigger than it's brain.

Hummingbirds are the only animals that can fly backwards.

A flamingo can only eat with it's head upside-down.

The lighter was invented ten years before the match was.

It's physically impossible for a pig to look up at the sky.

The very first internet domain name to ever be registered was symbolics dot com on March 15th, 1985, and still exists today. Go try it.

In a study by the University of Chicago in 1915, it was concluded that the easiest color to spot at a distance is the color yellow, which is also why that's the most popular color for taxicabs.

The largest employer in the world is The U.S. Department of Defense which employs over three million people.

The 120-year-old song Happy Birthday is actually copyrighted and it's owned by Warner Chapel Music. The company still insists that nobody can sing it without first paying them royalties, so basically you've been breaking the law at every birthday you've ever been to.

Humans are born with 350 bones in their body but when a person reaches adulthood, we only have 206. This is because our bones fuse together as the body grows and develops.

There are 158 verses in the Greek national anthem, making it the longest national anthem in the world. To put that into perspective, the Canadian and American national anthems both only have four verses each.

The Maldive coconut is the largest seed in the world.

Apple seeds actually contain a cyanide compound.

In dirt soil, a mole can dig a tunnel 300 feet long in just one night.

It is impossible to tickle yourself. This is because your cerebellum warns the rest of your brain that you're about to tickle yourself, so it ignores the resulting sensation.

The typical lead pencil can draw a line that is 35 miles long.

Astronauts get taller in space due to the lack of gravity.

The total surface area of human lungs is 750 square feet. That's roughly the same area as one side of a tennis court.

Of all the animals on earth, the mosquito has contributed to more deaths than any other animal.

All elephants walk on their tip-toes. This is because the back part of their foot is made up of all fat and no bone.

Hawaii has the only royal palace in the United States still used as an official residence by a reigning monarch.

The strongest muscle in the human body proportional to its size is the tongue.

An octopus has three hearts, nine brains and blue blood.

If the population of China walked by you single-file,the line would never end due to the rate of reproduction.

The hair on a polar bear is actually not white but clear. They reflect light which makes them appear to be white.

A chameleon can move its eyes in two directions at the same time.

England is smaller than the state of Florida by over 15,000 square miles.

In case you never noticed, the Mona Lisa has no eyebrows or eyelashes.

The world's largest yacht has 94,000 horsepower and is 590 feet long, which is about the length of two football fields.

Humans and giraffes both only have seven vertebrae in their necks, which is surprising considering giraffe necks are so much bigger.

Buttermilk does not contain any butter. In fact, it's quite low in fat and it's actually good for your digestion.

Disneyland does not sell chewing gum. This is because Walt Disney did not want guests inconvenienced by stepping on gum that they purchased at the park.

A giraffe can go longer without water than a camel can.

Apples, peaches, plums, strawberries raspberries, cherries and almonds all belong to the rose family.

Snails can sleep for up to three years.

Sharks lose over 30,000 teeth in their lifetime.

A day on the planet Mercury lasts approximately as long as 59 days on earth.

Whips make a cracking sound because the tip actually moves faster than the speed of sound, creating a small sonic boom.

Hippo sweat is actually red and it contains a pigment that's a natural sunscreen.

A cockroach can live several weeks without its head.

Methane gases produced by cows create just as much pollution as cars do.

Dolphins only sleep with half their brain at a time and thus, they're always half-conscious, otherwise they would drown.

In advertisements, the time displayed on a watch or clock is almost always 10:10.

The majority of the dust in your house is made up from your own dead skin.

Most lipsticks contain fish scales.

The average person falls asleep in only about seven minutes.

And finally, over 100 hours of video is uploaded to YouTube every single minute. And that's it. I hope you guys enjoyed this

and I will see you next article with a brand new video on our channel for more crazy facts.

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Interesting Facts About Facebook - Facebook facts

Interesting Facts About Facebook - Facebook facts
Interesting Facts About Facebook - Facebook facts

Facebook Facts you will read in this article will certainly blow your mind like they do with me. If your more for a video than reading facts : Here is a video assembling all these crazy facts about Facebook. Details and sources are in this article :

Facebook... Facebook, you've changed the world. You've connected people and you've created a brand new reason to murder someone? That's right, Facebook is a website that you use every single day but how much do you really know about it?

Well, today, in this Facts in Five, We're going to explain everything that you need to know about Facebook in five minutes or less and believe me, there's a lot that you probably don't know.

Today we're taking on the biggest social media network on the planet, you know, the one you've likely been using for years, the ones that your parents just recently discovered and the one that your weird Uncle Ron uses to send you late night requests  for games of online poker and Farmville? Yeah, that one.

So what is Facebook? 

That's likely a question you've never actually asked yourself. Facebook is a social networking site that was launched on February 4th, 2004 by none other than Mark Zuckerberg. He did this alongside four of his friends and roommates.

Originally, it was used to connect students at Harvard University but it quickly expanded to other schools, that is, until 2006 when it was then open to anybody 13 years of age or older. Today, Facebook is one of the top methods that people use to get in touch with over 150,000 messages sent via the site and its mobile app every single minute.

On top of that, every 15 minutes, there are 49 million posts on Facebook, 150,000 new friend requests, and 7.5 million new likes.

Fun fact, Facebook's colors were made blue because Mark Zuckerberg is red, green colorblind.

So, who is on Facebook?

Facebook sees over 1.44 billion users every single month with 79% of them accessing the site through their phones.

Since the total number of users increases dramatically every day, it's impossible to declare an accurate number of how many profiles and pages that there actually are.

But, according to employees at Facebook, there are only 3.74 degrees of separation on average between any two users. And with the network adding eight people every single second, that number is ever shrinking.

Shockingly, there are more Facebook users in the United States than US citizens who actually voted in the most recent election. Wow.

So, odds are, if you know someone, it's pretty much a certainty that they either have Facebook or someone close to them does.

Where can Facebook be accessed?

While its headquarters is in Menlo Park, California, Facebook is available to almost anyone anywhere that has the Internet.

The one major exception, of course, is China where the site as well as other major social networking sites like Twitter and even YouTube have been blocked by the government since July 2009. The Chinese government believes that being able to speak out helps the organization of protest.

Despite this, there are over 95 million users in China, many of which who simply use VPN's to get around the block and 79% of them are using their cell phones to access the website.

When is Facebook unsafe?

Even though there are many amazing things that Facebook has done, sometimes some of the things it brings us can be awkward or even scary. That, of course, among some privacy concerns. For instance, while great strides have been made to ensure that every user's information remains private, Facebook keeps pretty close tabs on us. Going so far as tracking what sites that we visit, even after we log out of the site. Also, over 600,000 hacking attempts are made every single day to accounts on Facebook, a staggering number. And the scariest fact of all is simply unfriending someone has actually caused people to get murdered. Believe it or not, several people have actually lost their lives over something so trivial.

Why is Facebook so useful?

Despite the negative things that have occurred directly or indirectly because of Facebook, there are many, many positive things.

Many of them beneficial to the entire world and some that are just plain fun. For example, in 2013, Mark Zuckerberg donated 1 billion dollars to charity making him the largest charitable donor in the United States.

On the other hand, if you want to have a little fun, change your language settings to "pirate," and enjoy all the fun that that has to offer, Yes, that's a thing you can actually do.

In all seriousness, Facebook has connected and reconnected people all over the world and to most people the benefits far outweigh the negative issues that it brings into our lives. That being said, if you have Facebook, be sure to add us by liking our fan page and adding our Facebook profile.

Our personal profile is where we post all the pictures and facts and behind the scenes stuff about our personal life and all the events that we go to. Our Facebook page is a really great place to catch up on all our videos and all the memes we post and all that fun Internet-y stuff. The links to both of those will be in the Sidebar.

below so be sure to follow us and like our page and other than that, subscribe to our channel so that you can catch our next artviles and videos.